by dmaengwebsite | Mar 6, 2024 | DMA Engineering
Energy efficiency is paramount in the healthcare sector due to its profound impact on both environmental sustainability and operational effectiveness. Hospitals and healthcare facilities are among the most energy-intensive buildings, consuming significant amounts of...
by dmaengwebsite | May 5, 2021 | DMA Engineering
Some buildings, such as hospitals, grocery stores, and essential services have remained open during the pandemic. It’s critical that our essential workers be kept safe and comfortable. Here are some recommendations from DMA: Increase outdoor air ventilation and...
by dmaengwebsite | Apr 1, 2021 | DMA Engineering
COVID-19 can be transmitted through the air in bioaerosols — we now know that. The beast is out of the bottle and it’s been very hard to contain. The way we live, eat, breathe, and sleep has changed fundamentally since the beginning of this year. Our way of being has...
by dmaengwebsite | Mar 1, 2021 | DMA Engineering
How do you know if your building is safe to reopen? Do you have a documented Epidemic Operating Conditions in Place (ECiP) to open and maintain your building during the pandemic? Current industry recommendations are changing and there are simple solutions to ensure...
by dmaengwebsite | Nov 2, 2020 | DMA Engineering
It’s a brave new world. Viruses travel. We’ve learned how critical that is in 2020, thanks to COVID-19. We know viruses travel through forced air and cooling. Electric heating is the future, through radiant heat and cooling. Radiant heating and cooling limit the...
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