by dmaengwebsite | Sep 5, 2021 | DMA Engineering, Steven Forrester - Principal
What does healthy IAQ look like these days? Well, first we need to start with a baseline definition of indoor air quality. At DMA, IAQ is a measure of contaminants, and how these contaminants adhere to health standards. Contaminants run the spectrum — from a mere...
by dmaengwebsite | Aug 9, 2021 | DMA Engineering
Commercial buildings that were vacant during the pandemic are now welcoming back employees. Facility managers are focusing on ways to optimize indoor air quality to reduce the spread of illnesses like COVID-19. According to the CDC and ASHRAE, increasing outside air...
by dmaengwebsite | Apr 1, 2021 | DMA Engineering
COVID-19 can be transmitted through the air in bioaerosols — we now know that. The beast is out of the bottle and it’s been very hard to contain. The way we live, eat, breathe, and sleep has changed fundamentally since the beginning of this year. Our way of being has...
by dmaengwebsite | Mar 1, 2021 | DMA Engineering
How do you know if your building is safe to reopen? Do you have a documented Epidemic Operating Conditions in Place (ECiP) to open and maintain your building during the pandemic? Current industry recommendations are changing and there are simple solutions to ensure...
by dmaengwebsite | Sep 5, 2020 | DMA Engineering
DMA just recently completed the design of a luxury home that had a requirement for high indoor air quality. It’s never been more necessary to have exceptional indoor air quality. Covid-19 and the widespread closures it has brung make me wonder what I can do as an...
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