Building Re-Commissioning
What is a building re-commissioning?
Re-commissioning is a program to help preserve and protect not only the building itself but also your long-term tenant contracts. By validating your existing control sequences, systems and equipment operation, you will know they are still functioning properly. You can identify any gaps that need to be addressed.
Some signs you may need to re-commission include:
● Equipment operating more than needed.
● Complaints from occupants regarding areas of the building that are too hot or too cold.
● Air in the building is smelly and stale.
● Lights in some areas seem too bright or too dim, causing eye strain or headaches for some.
● Unusually high utility costs even taking into account seasonality, rising utility rates, or unseasonable temperatures.
As a building owner, you care about how your building will perform not just over the next year but also over the next decades. You are likely aware of sustainability and the impact your building will have on the environment. Your overarching concern must be about the financials, business viability, total cost of ownership, and ROI of the asset. As a forward-thinker you are actively managing your risk.